protheflex system

Our company's mission is to create innovative solutions in limb prosthetics that not only improve functionality, but also improve patients' quality of life. We care about every aspect of the patient's well-being, from comfort to performance and appearance, to enable a better life after amputation.
I work in the field of prosthetics for over 20 years now. I worked for several years at the University Rehabilitation Institute of Slovenia and later on in a private company that I co-owned. I learned a lot from them but decided to fly solo by establishing my own company. I am the inventor of the art-leg sports knee and inventor of protheflex flexible socket system. Anyone who knows me knows that I am always looking for better solutions for existing systems. When I was working with patients I was always asking myself what would I want. The answer was - as much comfort as possible. And this is how protheflex system was born.